How do I signup on WeChat?

WeChat is a popular application for its use by Chinese people. It’s one of the only chat applications that is not blocked by the ‘Great Firewall’ so among Chinese people, it’s usually the go-to application to use. It’s a rather barebones application, but it does its best, and what it does do, it does perfectly. Allowing users to communicate seamlessly through texts is exactly what weChat aims to do, and it’s a great choice if that’s what you need.

WeChat is owned by Tencent, a Chinese company, but you don’t need to be Chinese to use it, you can sign up from anywhere. To sign up for WeChat, you can either start by downloading the application. The official site is There will be an option to download the application at the bottom of the page. Once you download the app, you can sign up. The sign up process is quick and painless, only needing a phone number. To prevent abuse, WeChat recently removed the options to sign up with Facebook or Email.

Once you input the phone number, you will receive a text message from WeChat to confirm your phone number. Tapping that link will confirm your account and let you get started with WeChat, so you can chat with all your friends and have fun!


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