Suggestion: use GroupGame Bot

Kik is a great platform for messaging with all kinds of neat features, such as GIFs, group chats, the newly introduced calling feature and the use of bots. But Kik falls short in the area of adding games within the messaging app for even more fun with friends. Luckily, with the help of bots, you can add this functionality to any group chats with the GroupGame bot!

The GroupGame bot is a newly created, but extremely popular Kik bot for adding a selection of games to any group chat so you can play with your friends and have more fun. There are a total of four game modes with nearly limitless possibilities so you’ll never get bored in a Kik group chat again. The bot will handle all game management quickly and efficiently and provides seamless integration with all group chats, no matter the number of users.

GroupGame bot for KIK Messenger

GroupGame gamemodes

The four game modes are: Dice roll, Truth or Dare, Who, and Trivia. Let’s take a look at what they do.

  • The dice roll game is similar to the traditional gambling game. When you play this game through the app, you’ll be playing a virtual version, and you’ll try to see who can roll the highest number. With this version, there is no gambling so there’s no risk and you can still have fun! Brag to your friends how many times you’ve won and how lucky you are.

  • The Truth or Dare mode is a way to get honest answers to questions from your friends, or just a way to watch them do something completely wild. The bot has a large list of questions or dares that it will pick. Challenge your friends and see who’s the most interesting! Watch them try to perform dares, or call them a chicken if they decline.

  • The Who game mode is less of a game but still a fun way to select people at random in the group. This is a really useful utility because it’s entirely random. You can use it to see who has to order pizza, do the dishes, select the next game you and your friends play, or even ask questions and see who the bot picks. You can use it as a game or just a utility for your chats!

  • Finally, we have the Trivia mode. Just like your favorite game shows, this bot will select a question from a long list and ask the group chat. Whoever can come up with the correct answer first will win. See which one of your friends has the biggest brain or can type their answer first!

Every so often, the developers will ask for user feedback and if there is enough demand for a new feature or game, it may be added! So if you see a game that’s missing from this list and you’d like, add the bot and once the next wave of feedback comes around, you can suggest it!

This bot is a fantastic choice for adding games to your chats and bringing the fun back to Kik messenger. Add it to all your group chats today!


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